Traherne Articles
Articles kept on this site dealing with the significance and consequences of awakening to Capacitie and Traherne's works and life.
Jeremy Maule Memorial Lectures.
The first annual Traherne lecture October 10th 2003. Solitude & Communion: Readings in Thomas Traherne and R.S.Thomas -Christopher Armstrong.
The second annual Traherne lecture, October 10 2004. Traherne's Cosmic Consciousness -John Powell Ward.
The third annual Traherne lecture, October 10th 2005. Traherne Then and Now -Denis Parry.
The opening lecture of the Traherne Festival, 2009. Thomas Traherne and the Affections of the Sublime -Jacob Blevins, PhD. McNeese state university, U.S.A.
Other Articles and Talks
Traherne Festival 2003. Thomas Traherne's Language as Loss of Innocence. -Martin Corless-Smith
Quadrant Magazine, March 2008. The Poet of Sudden Cloudbreak -A Commentary on Thomas Traherne -Alan Gould.
You are the Light of the World by Eric Best. A contemporary sermon, which Traherne himself might well have written or with which he would have enthusiastically concurred. In addition to throwing light on the New Testament text it unveils the meaning of Traherne's claim: Till we see our nothing, we cannot understand the value of our Being.
The Experience and the Meaning. This essay by Douglas Harding is included as a commentary on and explanation of Traherne's statement that "Till we see our nothing we cannot understand the value of our Being" (Select Meditations 4/66).
Awake in the Heartland - The Ecstasy of What Is -A review of Joan Tollifson's book in which she describes what her life has revealed to be necessary to "enjoy the world aright".
James Charlton's book, Non-dualism in Eckhart, Julian of Norwich and Traherne, A Theopoetic Reflection. A NOWletter commentary from Alan Mann. The book comprises five main chapters: Thomas Traherne, Meister Eckhart, Mother Julian of Norwich, Losing and Finding the Self, Non-dual 'Awakening '-A Way Forward. It includes a comprehensive bibliography, notes, glossary and index.
A Selection of Traherne Quotations. Following the online group meeting on 17th May 2015, a few quotations demonstrating Traherne's understanding, and evidence of himself 'standing in,' the Headless perspective as revealed by Douglas Harding.
The poems are from Centuries, Poems and Thanksgivings Edited by H. M. Margoliouth -Volume II Poems and Thanksgivings © Oxford University Press 1958.
My Spirit -includes the postscript, The Apprehension.
Thoughts (Thoughts I, II, III, & IV)
The Works of Thomas Traherne A major new edition from Boydell & Brewer containing previously unpublished material. Edited by Jan Ross and now available from Boydell and Brewer Ltd., PO Box 9 Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF, UK.
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